Rtlabs | New Visitors Vs Returning Visitors to a business website

New Visitors Vs Returning Visitors

Learn New Visitor Vs Returning Visitor to a website

Google analytics is a free tool and provides the information related to various activities on a website. New visitors and returning visitors are tow most important information that every website owner wants to know about.

What are new visitors to your website?

When someone visits any website very first time using a specific device is called new visitor for that specific website. If you use the multiple devices for visiting the same website, every visit will be counted as a new visit. For example. You visit a website xyz.com using your desktop and after some time you visit the same website using your mobile device then two new visits will be counted. If you are using Google Chrome with logins then your visit will be counted as a new visit if you repeat the action but in mobile, it will be counted as a Returning visitor.

Learn New Visitor Vs Returning Visitor to a website

Returning visitor

If someone visits a website repeatedly, will be known as returning visits and the visitor will be called returning visitors. If a visitor visits the same website within a period of 2 years using the same device will be called returning visitor. If someone visited your website before 2 years the first time and visited the same website after 2 years then it will be called returning visitor.

Importance of returning visitors to your website

Increasing the number of returning visitors to any website is good for business. Returning visitors shows that website consists the useful information for first time visitor that’s why the old visitor is visiting the same website again. Increase the number of returning visitors increase the trust value for the website.

How to increase visitors to your website?

It necessary to add required information to your website so a visitor can get the solution he is looking for. Your website should be user-friendly, mobile friendly and search engine friendly. You should focus on digital marketing properly to advertise and increase the reach and to increase the engagement. If you don’t have time to handle all these things you should hire a professional IT company in our city.

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